If I hear one more
person say 'moderate' Muslims *should* apologise for what
happened in France, Kuwait and Tunisia last Friday I will start
screaming. Why *should* they? They didn't do it, after all; I
don't recall two and half million British Muslims on that beach or in
that mosque or at that factory, unless I blinked and missed them all?
Flippancy aside, what
took place last Friday was terrible. It got to the point where
everyone was a bit like, "well where the hell is this
going to stop?!!" The beheading of Herve Cornara in Lyon was
abhorrent; the massacre of 27 innocent people at Friday prayers
during the Holy Month of Ramadan in Kuwait was abhorrent; the
massacre of at least 36 innocent people on a beach in Tunisia was
abhorrent. Any one of these incidents, on its own, would be shocking;
for all three to come on the same day, one after the other...there
just weren't any words to describe people's feelings.
But - without wishing
to minimise what took place or upset anyone - here's the thing:
The massacre of nine
innocent people at a church in Charleston was abhorrent.
The massacre of seventy
seven innocent people in Norway was abhorrent.
Where are all the
people demanding "the White community" apologise for Dylann
Roof? Where are all the people demanding everyone who considers
themselves right-wing rather than left-wing apologise for Anders
Oh, that's right.
They don't exist.
David Cameron last week
claimed that anyone within the Muslim community not actively shouting
from the rooftops that what happened on Friday was the most appalling
thing to happen was in fact "quietly condoning" ISIS.
Really? You mean to tell me there are huge swathes of people in this
country who just sort of shrug quietly when this happens and
anticipate the next beheading or suicide bombing with a vague sense
of "well, what can you do?" Really?!
Now I'm not saying
these people don't exist. Far from it - every community has its
vaguely lunatic fringes (some more dangerous than others), after all,
and everyone knows someone who fervently believes that the days of
"no dogs, no Blacks, no Irish" should make some sort of
triumphant return. I'm pretty sure there are some in the
Muslim community in Britain who condone what ISIS or Al Quaida have
done. I'm also pretty sure there are some people in the White British
community who quietly condone what Dylann Roof has done as well. Just
because they don't say it aloud doesn't mean they aren't thinking it.
Then again, however, I didn't start screaming from the
rooftops on Friday about what a horrible, terrible thing had happened
that day; does this mean that in some way I tacitly went along with
what those three individuals did, that I somehow "quietly
condoned" it? oh of course not. I'm not Muslim, so it doesn't
matter that I wasn't self-flagellating in the middle of the High
Street afterwards.
this nonsense about "the Muslim community needs to do more"
and "it's like they're condoning it if they don't actively say
how terrible it was" - it's just that: nonsense. Does this mean
that as a 'moderate' White Person I need to apologise to the Black
community for Dylann Roof? If I chain myself to the offices of the
Daily Mail or start a protest outside Britain First's headquarters,
will that be penance enough or do I need to do more? Should I shave
my head and don sackcloth-and-ashes while castigating everyone around
me who makes a vaguely racist remark, just to prove how utterly,
abjectly apologetic I am for the one white guy I don't even know who
did this Terrible Thing? Cos, y'know, if communities have to start
taking responsibility for the various lunatic fringes which hijack
beliefs or race or gender or whatever in the name of their deluded
'cause' then shit, I do apologise wholeheartedly to the Black
community for Dylann Roof. I also apologise to the families of dead
soldiers for the Westboro Baptist Church since, y'know, I went to
Sunday school a few times as a kid, so I guess I am (or was) part of
the religious community as well. I also identify as a cisgender
straight woman, so I guess I also owe the Lesbian/Gay/Bi and Trans
communities massive apologies for the likes of Vladimir Putin and his
policies. Just, y'know, so it doesn't look I'm 'quietly condoning'
his stripping away of people's basic human rights.
I guess all this means I should start demanding a seriously
grovelling apology from any Conservative/right-leaning people I know
since, as a lefty-type, I was clearly the target type for Breivik's
outrage and if you aren't proclaiming your sorrow from the skies then
you must "quietly condone" the murders of young Labour
activists as well, right...?
whole thing is ridiculous. Can you imagine the outcry if President
Obama had gone to Charleston and demanded that every 'moderate' White
Person apologise for Roof's actions? It would have made the pre-Civil
Rights lynchings look like child's play. And actually, what is a
"moderate White Person" anyway? Is it someone who doesn't
have a racist thought ever, or is it someone who sometimes thinks
"geez, those Blacks/Mexicans/Insert Other Racist Stereotype Here
are a bit of a nuisance" but would never dream of saying it out
loud because that would be Racist and they really aren't but...? How
moderate is 'moderate'?
I'm not saying there isn't more the Muslim community as a whole can
do regarding radicalisation. Then again, there's an awful lot more
society as a whole could do; people don't just wake up one morning
and go "wheeee, I've decided to be right-wing Neo-Nazi/Islamic
terrorist today - let's go blow stuff up after breakfast!!" It's
about raising awareness; it's about providing support; it's about
listening to people's grievances rather than dismissing them as
"racist clap-trap" - but it's also about education. You
think all Muslims are terrorists who've come over here to butcher us
all in our sleep? Interesting thought, Little Johnny; now what makes
you say that? Have you ever met anyone from the Islamic faith? No?
here, allow me to introduce you to Little Mohammed so you can learn a
bit more. Little Mohammed, you think all White British people want to
kill you because they're all Neo-Nazi skinheads? Come and chat with
Little Johnny; let's see if we can't find some common ground here.
You both like playing on your X-box? Well isn't that a
start...here, let's plug it in and see what happens...
Utopian Visions above
aside, lets be clear here: anyone can be radicalised. These
people, ISIS and their like, or the right-wing Neo-Nazi organistions,
are past masters at deception and manipulation. The BNP recruit at
youth clubs, ffs; one weekend it's all "come paintballing with
us, you Disenfranchised Yoofs; it's free!" and then a few weeks
later it's "hey, come out with us again and oh by the way, how
'bout them immigrants...?" Al Quaida recruit using Call of Duty;
if you can communicate with your mates on a pretend mission, why not
on a real one? (Paedophiles use Club Penguin, incidentally). There
are so many reasons why people become radicalised into one group or
another; insisting 'moderate' members of a society "do more to
apologise for them" is frankly ludicrous. SOCIETY needs to do
more, full stop. Parents need to goddamn monitor what their kids are
doing online. Schools need to raise awareness and teach a broad,
balanced curriculum which celebrates difference and doesn't demonise
people based on race/religion/gender/sexuality/whatever. Society as a
whole needs to wake up and stop pointing the finger at other people -
if everyone would just Be Excellent To Each Other, as Bill and Ted so
wisely said, maybe the world would be less screwed than it is now.
I am not going
to apologise for Dylann Roof, or the white cops shooting unarmed
black men, or anyone else. They are the ones who need to step up and
say sorry, and they also need to get themselves educated fast before
anyone else dies in a hail of bullets. But I don't expect my Muslim
friends to apologise for last Friday's horrors, either. We know it
was horrible. We know it was wrong. Two and a half million individual
people standing up and apologising isn't going to change what
happened, and it sure as hell isn't going to stop vulnerable people
becoming radicalised and going off to join ISIS, Britain First, the
BNP or any other extremist group. The people who run them are smart.
We just have to be smarter is all. And that starts by not insisting
every single person who makes up a community is somehow responsible
for the actions of a small percentage of that community.
OTHER, PEOPLE!!!!! We're all Human Beans, after all, and we're all
stuck on this big blue marble whizzing around in space; we've had two
thousand years of coming up with ever more inventive and whimsical
ways to demonise and destroy each other, marking out the Other and
targeting them until We Win. Can we not have two thousand years of
finding ways to be kind to each other; to support each other; to
build bridges and stop blaming the whole world and his wife for the
actions of individuals? Are we really so insecure as a species?
That's...beyond sad.
can't make any claim to being the World's Greatest Human Bean Ever in
the History of the World; there are plenty of times when an
uncharitable thought crosses my mind, or I find myself demonising or
blaming some great mythical Other for the ills in the world. But I
try hard to not be
an intolerant, bigoted, hate-filled person, I really do, and I like
to think I'm successful more times than I'm not. Human Nature isn't
straightforward - one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter,
as the saying goes, and we are a contrary old species - but I am
stating this here and now: I am going to try and be better at calling
out people who are intolerant and bigoted. I plan on Doing My Bit to
educate, illuminate and meet you halfway; I rejoice in the diversity
of this planet and the intricacies of our relationships with each
other. You might learn stuff. I definitely will. But I will not
tolerate hatred and bigotry so be warned - I may end up having to
seriously rethink our relationship if you insist on preaching hate
and being divisive. It was unacceptable for Abu Hamza to do so; it is
equally unacceptable for you.
my Nan always says - if you haven't got anything nice to say, don't
say anything at all...