Monday, 22 October 2012

Light in the Darkness...

You know when you have one of those days where you wake up after a bad night's sleep and it's all grey and misty and drizzly and, well, Monday?  Yeah, today was *that* day...even with all my "positive mental attitude" insistence today it was not easy to maintain for very long, especially after reading about the horrible trolls on Twitter who thought it would be "funny" (I use the term loosely) to threaten Adele and her new baby boy and by making "jokes" (again, loosely) about horrible things happening to the baby.  I wish I was kidding.  Some people are just...well, yeah.  Let's not go there, eh?

BUT!  This blog is not for dwelling on the Negative Nancy's of the world, oh no!!  This is my own personal haven of unicorns and rainbows and...ok, let's not go overboard.  You might all think there was something wrong with me if I suddenly started all that nonsense, after all, so let's try and at least keep things as real as it's possible for my weird and wonderful brain to having spent ten minutes of my lunch break getting increasingly irked with said trolls, I decided desperate measures were called for.  As always, my answer is "GIG!"

I should explain.  Music is generally my go-to "thing" for dealing with my moods or calming me down when the sheer level of stupid in the world has me ready to rip people's heads off, and seeing live music is pretty much the pinnacle of sorting out a full-blown hissy fit (I figure it's that or 25-to-life in Holloway).  So since I was pretty much ready to go full-on Vesuvius by 1pm, I thought it was in everyone's best interests if I trotted over to Stargreen to have a quick look-see at who is touring in the next couple of months, either to point and laugh or go "how much?!!" at the ridiculous ticket prices.  And there it was.  Top of the page.  The answer to my poor blood pressure's prayers.  February 12th 2013, London - The 69 Eyes.  I squealed...

The 69 Eyes are one of my "weird" Finnish bands, as Certain People insist on calling them, but I absolutely adore them.  The lead singer, Jyrki, has a voice that just sends shivers down my spine; I don't find him particularly attractive but when he sings...dear God, it does things to a girl, I'm telling you.  I first discovered them back in 2004, when I first got into Nightwish and was all "what-other-amazing-bands-does-Finland-have-ohmigod-tell-me-NAOW!!!" about it; thatnks to the wonders of t'internet I came across all kinds of bands, some of which have stuck with me ever since (Apocalyptica, Turisas), others which, um, haven't.  But 69 Eyes were definite stickers; not only were they waaaaaaay goth, which appealed to my kookiness back then, but they did a song called Brandon Lee and then there was that voice!!!  Now I never in a million years thought I'd see them in the UK - mainly because I go "69 Eyes!!" and the rest of the country goes "eh?" - but lo and behold, to the UK they come.  In February.  And I'm going.  Not only is it cheap, it's too good a chance to pass up.  So I will get my Goth on and go...  :D  And I really, really hope they play this song, because it's the first one of theirs I ever heard and I love it.

Happy days!!! 

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