Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Got Ink...?

I've been thinking a lot about the whole tattoo issue recently, and not just because I'm going for lucky number seven in a couple of weeks time (excited?  me?  Nooooo, whatever gave you that idea...?)  There are a number of reasons for this; one is due to a friend of mine, who insists he would "never" date a woman who had tattoos because "you know what that sort of girl is like".  (Um, actually no I didn't.  Although as I fit into the category of "that sort" of girl I feel like I should know this stuff - do we get badges?)  Another is the reaction of the old dear I sat next to on the bus this morning, who complimented me on my "very pretty" dress (it was - all butterflies and girlie and shiz) and then visibly recoiled when she clocked my ink work, as if I'd smiled brightly, said thank you, and then admitted to eating babies for breakfast.

Now perhaps the old lady's reaction is a wee bit understandable; after all, women of her generation are not exactly inked up to the nines and maybe when she was a girl the only people who had tats were sailors, dockers and prostitutes.  Heck, my own grandmother is not exactly enamoured of my ink, but she tends to keep her opinions to herself and doesn't try to change my mind or call them hideous (rock on, Nan!)  My friend's reaction, however, gave me pause for thought.  Firstly I thought what a narrow-minded twat he was and how could we possibly be friends if that was what he thought of me; secondly I questioned what "that sort of girl" was and whether I fitted the stereotype, in which case how do I get membership of this club; and lastly I felt sorry for him because if he's that strict on it, he could be missing out on the true love of his life just because she has a tattoo somewhere.  For example, this girl has tattoos and is she hideous and deformed and beyond love?  Erm, I highly doubt it, unless of course she barbecues babies in her spare time, in which case I say burn the witch...

However, since I started getting inked up I've probably experienced the full range of reactions.  Gotta say the visible recoil is a new one on me, but still...when you have tattoos, especially in 'visible' places, people are going to notice them, comment on them and - rightly or wrongly - make judgements about you because of them.  I've had people ask me how I could possibly mutilate my body in such a way, other people ask where I had them done because they are 'cool' (yay me - I'm with the cool kids for once!) and other people just want to know what the heck they all mean.  Although apparently I'm never getting into Heaven because God disapproves of people mutilating their bodies; must have skipped that part of the Bible in Sunday School but oh well, what the hey?  Oh, and I also will apparently never get married or have children because "girls like you (i.e. tattooed ones) are not the marrying kind".  Ha.  Thanks for the heads-up there, Romeo...

To be completely honest I genuinely don't give a monkeys what other people think; love 'em or loathe 'em, my tattoos are part of me and mean something, so if you cant get your head around that jog on.  I like them and that's all that matters, after all; it's my body and I'll do what I like with it, thank you very much.

But it did get me thinking about the way people react to tattoos on women in particular, hence why I conducted my incredibly unscientific straw poll among my friends on Facebook.  It might not have been very illuminating - different strokes for different folks and all that; I, for example, love tattoos on guys but don't consider it a requirement or anything, and I would never date a guy who had facial tattoos because they make me feel physically sick (sorry, Bloke Who Thinks He's A Tiger, I am destined never to be your Catwoman...) - but it's always interesting to get different perspectives on things.  And, actually, to realise I'm not a total leper just because I'm inked up.  : P  But I genuinely don't understand why people can mostly let the issue of men with tattoos pass without too much comment, whereas women who get tattoos are either 'sluts' (all hail the "tramp stamp"!) or "mutilating their bodies" as if it's some form of self harm and we all need to be carted off to the lunatic asylum for our own self-preservation.  

I'm all for people wanting to know what my tattoos mean or who did them; heck, I'm not averse to chasing complete strangers down the street to find out who did a particularly gorgeous piece of artwork, but I resent those people who think they can judge me for having them, or try to second-guess the type of person I am just because I happen to be tattooed.  (Hey, I have tattoos and I also cry at the bit in The Lion King where Simba's dad dies - are you confused enough yet?)  If you're genuinely interested then great, but don't try and make grandiose claims about how I must be mentally ill/deeply insecure/obviously not girlfriend or marriage material as a result; it's a) bullshit and b) none of your business.  Our bodies, our rules, so back off and stop trying to judge us - any of us - just because we happen to have tattoos.  It doesn't make us any less human, after all.

People who don't cry at that bit in The Lion King, however...

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