Sunday, 4 January 2015

The Surprisingly Dull Adventures of General Stuff part 1

So after wondering why there wasn't a superhero called "General Stuff" I figured I could either sit around moaning about it and waiting for the rest of the world to crack on with designing him/her, or I could just go right ahead and do it myself...from the title of this blog post can you guess which one I chose...?

Now I'm no artist.  Hell, even my stick people look rubbish, so the thought of actually drawing my own comic book-style images was enough to make me want to curl up in a ball and weep.  But then I realised that a) I didn't exactly want to do full-blown award-winning graphic novels, just the odd panel or two for fun and b) the internet is a wonderful thing.  One quick Google (other search engines are available) later I discovered Pixton, an online tool for creating comics which is so ludicrously simple even I can do it.  In theory.

So.  General Stuff is now A Thing.  More than that, he has a sidekick, Private Corrie Spondence (I know, I know...)  Together, they will have Surprisingly Dull Adventures in a limited number of panels as part of an ongoing sporadic addition to this blog.  Don't expect genius, ok?  To be honest I'm amazed I managed to come up with this, so give a girl a break, Blogsphere.  It's never going to win any awards and the General will have his adventures limited by both my time and the technical limitations of the Pixton site.  I'm no Jack Kirby/Stan Lee combination.  But it's surprisingly good fun for me to do, so I hope you like him.

And now for our first Surprisingly Dull Adventure: by way of introduction the General and Corrie stage a jail break...

I have no idea how regular a "thing" this will be, but I'll do my best!

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